CHINA: Carbon Neutral by 2060

the business opportunities for EU energy solutions providers

A series of three online workshops jointly organised by ECECP and



Session One: Optimising the Innovation Eco-system
09:00 to 10:30 (CET) Tuesday 17 November 2020


“What does the prospect of China becoming carbon neutral by 2060 mean? For the world and to innovative energy solutions providers from the EU. Where is innovation required, do you have the experience and expertise to provide it, what are the challenges from your point of view?”

Interview: Cristina Lobillo Borrero
Director of Energy Policy, DG ENER

Cristina Lobillo Borrero has a degree in Law and post-graduate courses on Economics, European Union Law and management and leadership in the ULB (Université Libre de Bruxelles), the Spanish School of Diplomats, the European Commission and Harvard Business School. Since 2004 she has been an official in the European Commission where she has worked on Agriculture and Trade policies and from 2014 to 2019 she was Head of Cabinet to the ex-Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy, Miguel Arias Cañete. From December 2019 to June 2020, she has been Principal Adviser in DG AGRI and since 16 June, she is Director for Energy Policy in DG ENER in the European Commission

Dolf Gielen
Director, IRENA

Innovation and Technology Centre (IITC)

Dolf Gielen is IRENA Director for Innovation and Technology since 2011. He has more than 25 years of experience with energy transition strategy development and implementation as well as technology policy in an international context. He has a PhD from Delft University of Technology in Delft, The Netherland.

Charlotte Roule

Charlotte Roule is CEO of ENGIE China and Vice President of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China. She has 20+ years of experience in the energy sector. In China, her focus is to develop renewable infrastructure and clean energy solutions such as district cooling or EV charging.

Patrick Child
Deputy Director General, DG RTD

Patrick CHILD is Deputy Director General in DG Research and Innovation at the European Commission. He leads the policy for implementation, impact & sustainable investment strategies and is acting Director for the Clean Planet. This Directorate provides support to EU energy, transport, environmental, health, climate and industrial policies, promoting clean, reliable and secure energy production and use, safe and cleaner transport and urban systems as well as cleaner industry. As a member of the Board of DG Research and Innovation, he follows in particular research and innovation into climate action and clean energy and mobility technologies, and is the Commission representative of Mission Innovation (a coalition of 23 countries and the European Union, committed to doubling research in clean energy by 2020) and in the International Group of Earth Observations (GEO)

Matthew James (Moderator)
Managing Director, ENERGY POST

Matthew has been working in energy communications for the past 11 years, first as Managing Director of Synergy, the organisers of European Utility Week and then, since 2014, at Energy Post. Energy Post is read by over 50,000 energy professionals every month. It is technology neutral, offering a platform to experts from all sectors of the energy transition wishing to get their knowledge out there. Innovation is at the heart of our reports.