Even if with a decade of delay, a country is finally experiencing its golden age of gas (as per the famous IEA report): China, indeed, has recently become the most interesting market for gas globally.........
[Read more...]Even if with a decade of delay, a country is finally experiencing its golden age of gas (as per the famous IEA report): China, indeed, has recently become the most interesting market for gas globally.........
[Read more...]The Covid-19 pandemic that the whole world is experiencing is unprecedented and so are the consequences that the economy will have to face in the crisis aftermath........ window.location.replace('https://fsr.eui.eu/covid-19-an-accelerator-or-a-stopper-of-decarbonisation/')
[Read more...]Covid-19 is changing the scenarios on which most policies were based, including those in the fields of energy and the environment....... window.location.replace('https://fsr.eui.eu/a-note-on-energy-policies-for-sustainability-post-covid-19/')
[Read more...]Preliminary analysis based on the Italian and Spanish experiences....... window.location.replace('https://fsr.eui.eu/measures-to-tackle-the-covid-19-outbreak-impact-on-energy-poverty/')
[Read more...]".....a dramatic reduction in traffic and a shift in energy, telecom and goods consumption from commercial to residential buildings." window.location.replace('https://www.greenbiz.com/article/climate-covid-19-and-economics-decarbonizing-buildings')
[Read more...]The COVID-19 pandemic and the upheaval it has caused represents an existential threat to the global airport industry. Global traffic is expected to be reduced by 38% by the end of 2020, and aviation trade associations such as ACI are working in collaboration with other stakeholders to bring to the attention of governments the need to provide financing support for the sector. window.location.replace('https://blog.aci.aero/covid-19-planning-for-a-sustainable-recovery-for-the-worlds-airports/')
[Read more...]The traditional energy sector and related indexes have been on the decline in recent years due to oversupply. That decline has seen a recent acceleration due to COVID-19, as demand for traditional energy has collapsed. window.location.replace('https://www.renewableenergyworld.com/2020/04/13/covid-19-fossil-fuel-black-swan-or-renewable-energy-phoenix/')
[Read more...]Governments can achieve both short-term economic gains and long-term benefits by making clean energy part of their stimulus plans window.location.replace('https://www.iea.org/commentaries/what-the-2008-financial-crisis-can-teach-us-about-designing-stimulus-packages-today')
[Read more...]IRENA Report "Global Renewable Outlook" outlines path to stability and prosperity window.location.replace('https://www.euractiv.com/section/emissions-trading-scheme/opinion/how-the-coronavirus-outbreak-affects-the-eus-2030-climate-targets/')
[Read more...]Ultimately, the coronavirus pandemic may slow down initial plans to adopt the European Climate Law and a number of other climate-related policy proposals window.location.replace('https://www.euractiv.com/section/emissions-trading-scheme/opinion/how-the-coronavirus-outbreak-affects-the-eus-2030-climate-targets/')
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