“Even as global PV forecasts fall, tax equity dries up and unemployment rises, investor Jim Spano believes the right type of government stimulus could not only help the solar industry recover – but drive it to new heights….” window.location.replace('http://Covid-19 will provide a significant enhancement to the renewable industry – PV Magazine')
[Read more...]Issue Tracker – COVID-19 and Global Energy
“Some thoughts on implications of Covid-19 on energy, from an experienced trader’s point of view.” window.location.replace('https://fsr.eui.eu/looking-at-covid-19-crisis-from-the-eu-electricity-wholesale-market/')
[Read more...]“In a recent conversation with pv magazine, Virginia Canazza, the CEO of Italian consultancy REF-E, outlined future scenarios for PV in the Italian PPA market…..” window.location.replace('https://www.pv-magazine.com/2020/04/01/covid-19-pandemics-impact-on-europes-ppa-market-part-iii/')
[Read more...]“The coronavirus is turning into an unprecedented international crisis, with serious repercussions for people’s health and economic activity…… ” “At the end of last year, in a comment piece for BloombergNEF entitled Peak Emissions Are Closer Than You Think, I predicted that energy-related CO2 emissions would peak and then drop by around 5% within the next decade…..”
[Read more...]“The European Commission is paying close attention to the economic impact of the coronavirus, saying border shutdowns risk disrupting entire product value chains…..” window.location.replace('https://www.euractiv.com/section/energy/news/europe-warned-about-virus-impact-on-clean-tech/')
[Read more...]“The coronavirus is turning into an unprecedented international crisis, with serious repercussions for people’s health and economic activity…… ” window.location.replace('https://www.iea.org/commentaries/put-clean-energy-at-the-heart-of-stimulus-plans-to-counter-the-coronavirus-crisis')
[Read more...]The majority of Europe’s wind turbine and component factories continue to operate. Currently 18 wind energy manufacturing sites are closed. All of them are located in Spain and Italy…… window.location.replace('https://windeurope.org/newsroom/covid19/')
[Read more...]“In order to assess the fundamental impact of COVID-19 on European power and carbon markets we modelled a scenario in which we accounted for the first data on dropping electricity demand ……..” window.location.replace('https://www.icis.com/explore/resources/news/2020/03/27/10487371/european-power-and-carbon-markets-affected-by-covid-19-an-early-impact-assessment')
[Read more...]“The outlook for Europe’s utilities and power generators is worsening as the coronavirus curbs energy demand and prices plunge.” window.location.replace('https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-03-25/virus-starts-to-hit-utilities-as-european-energy-prices-plunge')
[Read more...]“Much of the European economy is on some level of lockdown, with citizens and businesses in Italy, Spain, France, Germany and the United Kingdom all forced to curtail their usual habits…… ” window.location.replace('https://www.greenbiz.com/article/coronavirus-falling-power-demand-impacting-clean-energy')
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