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Table of Contents
- About ECECP
- Team Leader’s Letter
- Phasing out fossil fuels: the Danish experience
- Short-term pain: the recent energy crunch in Europe and China
- How can China’s national carbon market contribute to reducing emissions?
- How to tap the efficiency potential of coal-fired power
- Power sector flexibility lessons from Germany for better integration of renewables
- European Green Deal and EU-China Cooperation on Urbanisation
- News in Brief
- Energy efficiency takes centre stage in Europe
- Carbon removal joins the arsenal of weapons to be used against climate change
- Hydrogen to edge out natural gas in the UK
- Funding boost for French solar
- Recyclable wind blade for commercial use offshore launched by Siemens Gamesa
- China pledges to end funding for overseas coal-fired projects
- China to liberalise coal-fired power pricing to stabilise supplies
- China restructures T&D manufacturing industry
- China launches green power direct trading scheme
- New standard to promote EE and RE in the building sector
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- 关于中欧能源合作平台(ECECP)
- 序言
- 淘汰化石能源:丹麦经验
- 能源转型的阵痛:欧洲和中国近期的能源危机
- 全国碳市场如何助力碳减排?
- 挖掘燃煤电厂的效率潜力
- 促进可再生能源整合:德国电力系统灵活性经验
- 欧洲绿色协议与中欧城市化合作
- 简讯
- 欧盟发布“能效优先”实施指南
- 欧盟拟启动碳去除认证计划
- 英国发布氢能战略
- 法国太阳能项目获欧盟资金支持
- 西门子歌美飒推出全球首款商用可回收海上风机叶片
- 中国承诺不再为新建海外煤电项目提供支持
- 中国扩大煤电价格浮动空间以稳供保电
- 中国输配电装备制造业迎来重磅重组
- 中国启动绿电直接交易试点
- 中国发布建筑节能与可再生能源利用通用规范