Digest of the Handbook on Electricity Markets NEW

English Edition PDF (1.38 MB) Kindle (mobi) (3.67 MB) eBook (epub) (1.72 MB)           FOREWORD The record-breaking temperatures seen in the summer of 2022 have shown the impact of global warming. Whether in Europe or China, no one can escape it. Decarbonisation is the only way forward: future electricity generation will have to come to a large extent from renewable energy with the remaining share coming from other low-carbon sources. The tremendous growth of renewable electricity capacity is fundamenta

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EU-China Energy Magazine – 2022 October Issue

English version (Chinese version) Read online PDF (7.66 MB) Kindle (mobi) (3.28 MB) eBook (epub) (1.83 MB) Mini site (8.53 MB)         Table of Contents Letter from the Team Leader 1. The future of gas – unlocking opportunities in times of crisis 2. A price cap on EU gas markets? 3. Europe’s decoupling of electricity and gas prices: the crisis is temporary, so why do it? 4. By-product hydrogen: a bridge to a green hydrogen economy? 5. China’s ‘low specific power’ offshore wind

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