NEW – Workshop Summary and Video: Green Power Trading in EU and China

Green Power Trading in EU and China workshop formed part of ECECP's energy cooperation coordination knowledge sharing in China work. Periodic meetings between organisations active in energy cooperation with China meet together, to exchange news and views.  This workshop is jointly hosted by ECECP and GIZ, with experts from GIZ, Energynautics Limited, Energinet, DENA, SGERI, Guangzhou and Beijing Power Exchange participating.  Presentations in English are subtitled to facilitate greater access. Presentations in Chinese are in their

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EU-China Energy Magazine – 2022 September Issue

English version (Chinese version) Read online PDF (11.5 MB) Kindle (mobi) (2.37 MB) eBook (epub) (1.50 MB) Mini site (6.37 MB)         Table of Contents Letter from the Team Leader 1. Can Europe escape the energy crisis? 2. The Energy Market in Time of War 3. China’s CO2 emissions fall by record 8% in second quarter of 2022 4. Green bridge 5. Clean energy innovation: China’s story 6. Decarbonising the built environment: opportunities and challenges 7. News in Brief

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NEW – Workshop Summary and Video: Clean energy innovation in China: the road ahead

Background: China’s 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025) and climate goals bring additional focus on clean energy technology innovation In the last 20 years, China has strengthened its position on the global stage as an energy innovator, as illustrated by the stories of solar power and, more recently, electric mobility. This is the result of several decades of increasing policy focus on technology innovation, which underpin China’s ambitions to become a producer of knowledge and foster innovation-driven socio‑economic develop

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EU-China Energy Magazine – 2022 Summer Double Issue

English version (Chinese version) Read online PDF (14.0 MB) Kindle (mobi) (2.67 MB) eBook (epub) (1.36 MB) Mini site (6.37 MB)         Table of Contents Letter from the Team Leader 1. Call for participation - EU Energy Innovation Virtual Expo 2022 2. Hydrogen – the second-best option for energy independence on the climate neutrality pathway 3.  Hydrogen reality check: We need hydrogen — but not for everything 4.  How mitigating methane emissions can help the EU to reach ene

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