Online Conference – China: Carbon Neutral by 2060 – Innovation – 24, 25 May 2022 NEW

Day 1 - Beijing time 15:00 - 16:30 and 16:45 - 18:15, 24 May 2022 Session One - Innovation: tonic for the Transition Session Two - Innovation: Renewables Click here to register for DAY 1 Day 2 - Beijing time 15:00 - 16:30 and 16:45 - 18:15, 25 May 2022 Session One - Innovation: Grid balancing and storage Session Two - Innovation: co-operating in China Click here to register for DAY 2   China’s Transition is the biggest single opportunity for managing climate change and also for those businesses who are ready with the inn

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Energy Modelling in EU and China NEW

This report is about energy system modelling in the EU and China, under the auspices of the EU-China Energy Cooperation Platform (ECECP). The capability requirements for energy system models have evolved during the last few decades. New challenges have arisen with the implementation of high shares of renewable energy sources (RES). The climate goals of the Paris Agreement and national GHG emission reduction strategies involve a restructuring of national energy systems. Adequate and appropriate models are required in order that these climate g

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Comparative study on policies for products’ energy efficiency in EU and China NEW

This study presents a provisional analysis of the degree of harmonisation that exists in energy performance regulatory requirements in China and the EU for a select group of products. The report addresses: split room air conditioners, domestic refrigeration appliances, televisions, electric motors, distribution transformers, chillers, commercial refrigerated display cabinets, air handling units, and air compressors. For each product group a systematic, but necessarily somewhat superficial, appraisal has been conducted that considers the degree of harmonisat

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Accelerating the incubation and commercialisation of innovative energy solutions in the EU and China NEW

The EU’s pledge to achieve climate neutrality by 2050 and China's target to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060 require a rapid and radical transformation of their energy sectors and entire economies. Innovative European and Chinese companies, large corporations and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have already developed market-ready low-carbon technologies and services: from cutting-edge renewable energy and hydrogen technologies to energy storage and digitalisation services, developers are following the political and economic signa

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