EU Energy Day at COP26: the EU leads the global energy transition – Summary

A live streamed event brought energy players together in Beijing to follow presentations given at November’s COP26 summit in Scotland. Daisy Chi and Helena Uhde celebrates the initiative, and offers a round up of key points made by energy representatives from around the world. On 5 November 2021, Beijing was the venue for a COP26 side event, allowing policy makers, CEOs and local politicians to discuss global initiatives to effect the energy transition. The occasion coincided with EU Energy Day, and offered media and industry experts to meet for a

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The 3rd Energy Internet Innovation and Entrepreneurship Summit – Opening Remark by Councilor of Energy and Climate Action of EU Delegation to China

Mr. Octavian STAMATE, Counsellor for Energy and Climate Action of EU Delegation to China, gave the opening remark. He first commented on the relation between the goal of climate neutrality, sustainable development and technological innovation in the post-COVID 19 era. He said that when we design policies and implement measures aimed at restarting the economy and bringing back our normal life, the fundamental objective is to promote and advance transition to a new model of development, which is greener, cleaner, low-carbon and sustainable.

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Workshop – From Black to Green Power in China – summary, presentations and videos

Following our successful workshop “From Black to Green Power” where the experience of the European power sector was presented on 19 August 2021, a follow up workshop will be held on Monday, 27 September 2021. In this second workshop, China Electricity Council will present a Chinese perspective on green power transition, and a comparison of the power market regulatory framework between EU and China. The Sino-German Energy Partnership will present their work on power sector flexibilisation and energy storage, and Danish Energy Agency wil

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EU Energy Day at COP26: the EU leading the global energy transition – live streaming on 5 November 2021

EU Energy Day is organised at the EU pavilion of the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow. It offers a series of high-level sessions that will highlight the EU’s leadership in the energy transition and engagement towards a global green recovery and just transition. Each session will allow policy-makers, CEOs and civil society leaders to discuss global initiatives advancing the Paris Agreement’s objectives. Simultaneous interpretation English - Chinese will be provided. Click here  to join the interpreted stream

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