Peak Energy by 2030: Efficiency gains will make the Transition affordable

December 19, 2019 by Sverre Alvik, via Energy Post We can’t afford the energy transition? Next time you hear that from someone, perhaps you can show them this. Sverre Alvik at DNV GL explains that, according to their latest Energy Transition Outlook, although annual global energy expenditure will have to increase from $4.6tn in 2017 to $5.5tn in 2050, its share of growing world GDP will almost halve from 3.6% to 1.9%. That’s because continuing energy efficiency gains are making sure that total global en

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Nuclear in 2020: a global look ahead at policy, financing, politics, by country

January 8, 2020 by Dan Yurman, via Energy Post Dan Yurman presents his worldwide review of nuclear’s prospects. 19 nations are covered. He explains while some countries are planning to scale down nuclear, like South Korea and France, some are increasing investment, like China. Others remain stuck over policy, pricing, financing and politics (e.g. Japan, the U.S.). Exporters of plants, led by Russia, are making moves – not always easily – in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. R&D continues, parti

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Biofuels: slump in investment and innovations must be reversed

December 3, 2019 by Alessandra Salgado and Francisco Boshell, via Energy Post IRENA is predicting the future of liquid biofuels by monitoring the number and technology-type of patents. It’s not looking good. The first thing to note is that, after a promising rise, the total number of patents has slid from over 6,000 in 2011 to around 2,500 in 2017. That’s reflected in the dramatic fall in global biofuel investments, from $27bn in 2007 to $2bn in 2017. The likely main cause is a lack of stable regulation, say Aless

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2019-2024: competitive auctions will launch over 2/3rds of utility-scale renewables, says IEA

December 9, 2019 by IEA, via Energy Post Government support for new utility-scale capacity is being replaced with competitive auctions, the surest sign that the commercial appetite for renewables – particularly solar PV and onshore wind – is growing strong. This article by the IEA pulls out the essential numbers from their annual Renewables 2019 report (their 5-year market analysis and forecast for renewable energy and technologies in the electricity, heat and transport sectors). The

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