CHINA: Carbon Neutral by 2060

the business opportunities for EU energy solutions providers

A series of three online workshops jointly organised by ECECP and

WORKSHOP 2: The Role of Gas


Session Four: Renewable Gases

10:45 to 12:15 (CET) Wednesday 4 February 2021


Beyond the hype, what can Renewable Gases (such as Hydrogen and Biogas) offer in decarbonisation alongside Wind, Solar and Hydro? What does this mean for investment in infrastructure development?

Erik Rakhou – Moderator

Erik Rakhou is a management consultant in international energy market regulation and policy development, with nearly 20 years of experience in European markets in both commercial and regulatory roles at the national and EU level. Erik is appointed as alternate member of the Board of appeal of the European regulatory agency ACER (2016-2021)

Jan Ingwersen
General Director, ENTSOG

Jan Ingwersen is General Director of ENTSOG, seconded from ENERGINET – the Danish gas and electricity TSO. He previously held positions at DONG Energy, Gastra and consultancies. Jan headed implementation of the liberalisation of the gas market in Denmark for Gastra/Energinet (2000-2005) and the storage and offshore transmission activities of DONG Energy (now Oersted) (2006-2013). He has over 30 years’ experience working in all parts of gas sector value chain – gas procurement, offshore and onshore gas transmission, gas storage and gas sales

Andrea Stegher
SVP Commercial & Stakeholder Engagement – Energy Transition, SNAM

Andrea has 25-years’ experience in the energy sector in strategic, development, commercial, regulatory and transition matters. Among others, in the last years he promoted energy transition projects like Gas for Climate 2050 and the setup of Snam cooperation in China. He has recently been elected as IGU President for 2025-2028.

Torben Brabo

Torben Brabo is the CEO of Energinet Gas TSO. Mr. Brabo is highly involved in the development of the European gas and energy sector. Elected President in 2020 for GIE (Gas Infrastructure Europe). He manages several decarbonization projects including the European Hydrogen Backbone and lead the biomethane development in Europe.

Didier Holleaux
Executive Vice-President, ENGIE

A Mining Engineer by training, Didier Holleaux has been Chief of Staff of the French Energy Minister. He spent 25 years with GDF then GDFSUEZ and Engie where he is currently EVP in charge, inter alia, of renewable gases