I regret to inform you that, due to unexpected conflict of agendas, it was not possible to secure participation of all relevant Chinese stakeholders at the ECECP gas workshop on the role of an open flexible gas market and methane reduction in clean energy transition and, therefore, the workshop is cancelled, to be reprogrammed for a later date.
The Chinese gas market is essentially where Europe’s market was 20 years ago: in the early stages of developing a liquid, open and competitive market. Europe’s policy on diversification of sources is a key driver of secure and affordable supply, including LNG. This can provide insights to China as gas becomes increasingly prominent in China’s energy mix. As both China and Europe work towards carbon and climate neutrality pledges for 2060 and 2050 respectively, there is significant scope to exchange experiences on building an efficient and low-carbon gas market, developing ‘new gases’ and reducing methane emissions. This is the first of three gas workshops ECECP is organising, in support of the development of a report “on possible priorities for joined cooperation in a flexible and efficient market for LNG” under the Joint Statement on the implementation of EU China cooperation in Energy. The kick-off workshop will explore opportunities for cooperation between EU and China in the gas sector.
中国天然气市场与20年前的欧洲市场基本相同:处于发展流动性、开放性和竞争性市场的早期阶段。欧洲的资源多样化政策是包括液化天然气在内的安全和廉价供应的关键驱动力。随着天然气在中国能源结构中的地位日益突出,这可以为中国提供一些见解。随着中国和欧洲分别致力于2060年和2050年的碳中和和气候中立承诺,在建设高效低碳天然气市场、开发“新天然气”和减少甲烷排放方面有很大的交流空间。这是ECECP的三个天然气研讨会中的第一个,以支持根据《中欧能源合作实施联合声明》编写“关于在灵活高效的液化天然气市场中加入合作的可能优先事项”的报告。 启动研讨会将探讨中欧在天然气领域的合作机会。
Participants from outside Beijing will be able to attend the workshop via Zoom | 北京以外的与会者可以通过Zoom参加研讨会。
Level 3, Function Room 2, Jen Hotel – 1 Jianguomen Outer St, Jian Wai Da Jie, Chaoyang, China, 100004 and via ZOOM | 新国贸饭店三层–多功能厅2 及 ZOOM
Simultaneous English-Chinese interpretation will be provided | 研讨会将提供中英同声传译
As places are limited, we will inform you if your participation will be via Zoom or at the venue (Hotel Jen) by 12:00 Wednesday, 19 May 2021. Only participants who can show a personalised QR code issued ECECP at the door will be admitted at the workshop venue. | 由于名额有限,我们将在2021年5月19日星期三12:00之前通知您是通过 Zoom 还是在研讨会场地(Hotel Jen)参加。只有获得了ECECP发出的个人会议登记 QR 码的参与者才能进入会场。