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Table of Contents
Letter from the Team Leader
- EU Leads the Global Energy Transition
- Understanding China’s Action Plan for Reaching Peak Carbon Emissions by 2030
- Electricity Market Reform: ACER must empower consumers, not just network operators
- Distributed Energy Resources and Smart Grids: an opportunity or a distraction?
- EU and China trace parallel paths towards energy security
- Biogas: the green key to energy security
- Reimagining energy storage – flow batteries for a fossil fuel-free future
- ENTSO-e Grid Planning Modellling Showcase in China
- Behaviour Change: strategies and case studies for reaching net-zero by 2050
- Greening Pensions: A Behavioural Perspective
- News in Brief
- EU revises rules for cross-border energy infrastructure
- Decarbonisation of gas markets
- EU aims to decarbonise buildings by 2050
- A new green investment benchmark
- Germany accelerates its transition plans
- Spot trading in China
- A milestone for wind power
- China will upgrade outdated coal power units
- Sinopec commits USD 470 million to a 300MW hydrogen electrolyser
- China issues major clean energy plan for industries
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- 欧盟引领全球能源转型
- 中国2030年碳达峰行动方案解读
- 电力市场改革:需要给予消费者更多权力
- 分布式能源和智能电网:是机遇还是干扰?
- 中国与欧盟:并驾齐驱探索能源安全之路
- 沼气:能源安全的绿色钥匙
- 重构储能——用液流电池打造无化石燃料未来
- 欧盟ENTSO-E电网规划模型中国演示
- 行为变化:2050年实现净零的战略和案例研究
- 养老金的绿色化:行为视角
- 简讯
- 欧盟修订跨境能源基础设施规则
- 欧盟出台天然气市场脱碳框架
- 欧盟修订建筑能效标准
- 欧盟将技术中性基准定为100克二氧化碳/千瓦时
- 德国新政府拟出台2030年清洁转型计划
- 中国发布省间电力现货交易规则
- 中国风电装机突破三亿千瓦
- 中国发布煤电机组改造升级实施方案