This workshop supported the development of two reports on innovation in energy technologies to be produced under the Joint Statement on the Implementation of the EU-China Cooperation on Energy. During this workshop, we explored reciprocal opportunities and challenges in introducing innovative energy solutions in EU and China , the ways to enhance cooperation between innovative solution providers in the EU and China , and to accelerate the commercialisation of these innovative energy solutions.
Ms Cristina Lobillo-Borrero, Mr HE Yang and Keynote Speakers
- Opening Remarks | 开幕致辞
(original language only | 原声)
- Cristina Lobillo-Borrero, Director, DG ENERGY | 克里斯蒂娜·罗比洛·波雷罗, 欧盟能源总司
- Dr HE Yang, Director General, International Cooperation, China National Energy Administration | 国家能源局国际合作司司长 何洋
- Keynote Speeches | 主旨演讲
- Outlook for China-Europe Energy Technology Innovation Cooperation in the Context of Carbon Neutrality | 碳达峰和碳中和背景下中欧能源技术创新合作展望
- XU Xiaodong, Vice President, Electrical Power Planning and Engineering Institute | 主旨演讲–电力规划设计总院副院长 徐小东
(original language with English subtitle | 原声及英语字幕) , Powerpoint download | PPT 下载
- Biogas: Renewable, flexible, enabler of decarbonisation – ally of circular economy | 沼气: 可再生性,灵活性,推动脱碳 – 支持循环经济
- Dr Piero Gattoni, Vice President, European Biogas Association | 主旨演讲 – 欧洲沼气协会歐洲沼氣協會副會長 Piero Gattoni博士
(original language only | 原声), Powerpoint download | PPT 下载
- Outlook for China-Europe Energy Technology Innovation Cooperation in the Context of Carbon Neutrality | 碳达峰和碳中和背景下中欧能源技术创新合作展望
- Panel 1 Discussion | 小组讨论 1
Experience in bringing innovative energy solutions to China and EU – Moderator: Guido Giacconi, Chairman of EU Chamber of Commerce in China Energy Working Group | 将能源创新解决方案引进中国的经验 – 主持人: 欧盟商会中国能源工作组主席Guido Giacconi
Panel 1 Discussions (original language only | 原声)
- Panel 2 Discussion | 小组讨论2
How to support joint innovation between EU and China – Experience of Bilateral Cooperation – Moderator: Tomasz Jerzyniak, International Relations Officer, DG ENERGY | 如何支持中欧联合创新-双边合作经验 – 主持人:欧盟能源总司国际关系官员 Tomasz Jerzyniak
- Dr Mika Klemettinen, Trade and Innovation Consul, Business Finland China | 芬兰国家商务促进局, 贸易和创新领事 米卡博士
- Working with Design Institutes – Joachim von Scheele, Global Director Commercialisation, LINDE | 与设计机构合作的经验 – LINDE全球商業總監 Joachim von Scheele
- Dr Nannan Lundin, Counsellor Science and Innovation, Swedish Initiative | 中瑞合作项目 瑞典领事馆参赞南南.伦丁博士
Questions to the Panel | 小组问题问答
- Energy Technology Solutions Showcasing | 能源技术解决方案展示
- Scania: Driving Biogas Transport, Joachim Diamant, Business Development Director, Scania| 斯堪尼亞:沼氣与運輸, 中国斯堪尼亞商务发展总监周齐
- Introducing BROAD Group’s absorption technology in Europe – District Cooling / Heating, Lars S Nielsen, Broad Group, China | 远大集团区域制冷 / 供暖技术在欧洲的应用, 远大集团Lars S Nielsen
- EU technology solutions successfully introduced into China, PAN Guangkui, Chairman and General Manager and Founder, Beijing Xuliande Energy Saving Technology Company | 成功引入中国的欧盟技术解决方案, 北京煦联得节能科技股份有限公司创始人、现任公司董事长兼总经理潘广魁
- Optimization Package for coal power boilers & cooling towers, Zeljko Wargo, Business Development Associate, IBE Company, Slovenia | 煤电锅炉和冷却塔的优化, 斯洛文尼亚IBE 公司业务发展经理 Zeljko Wargo
- Closing Remarks
- Octavian Stamate, Counsellor Climate Action and Energy, EU Delegation to China | 欧盟驻中国使团其后行动及能源参赞
- PAN Huimin, Deputy Directory General, Department of International Cooperation, National Energy Administration | 能源局国际合作司副司长 潘慧敏